• Tick Prevention

    Tick Prevention

    Ticks can carry several diseases – not just Lyme. It was believed it took 24-48 hours of attachment for disease to transmit, but we now know that some diseases (such as Powassan virus and Rickettsia rickettsii can transfer in only 10-15 minutes. (1, 2) In fact, the minimum attachment time for disease transfer of Lyme has never…

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  • When Ticks Bite

    When Ticks Bite

    Many people find an embedded tick and remove it using whatever method is easiest and don’t give it a second thought. I know several people with different tick-bone diseases. Some of them were treated quickly and recovered. Others have lifelong conditions. One is in the fight for her life. Because of my experience watching people…

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  • Glorify God in Your Body

    Glorify God in Your Body

    I used to struggle with caring for my body and my spirit because I thought of them separately and as disconnected.  I must take care of my spirit by reading the Bible and going to church and praying. I must take care of my body by drinking enough water (why is hydration so hard?) and…

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